Altitude: 168 m
Population: 4,641 inhabitants (2011)
A walk through the Herculane Baths resort will be done in waltz steps. All the balls organized in the resort in the old times were opened by the waltz entitled “Souvenir de Herkulesbad”, composed by Jakob Pazeller.

In the summer of 1903, the Austrian composer spent his holidays in the Cerna Valley resort. The enchanting landscape inspired him and, as if playing, h sat down at the piano and wrote the theme of the waltz dedicated to Herculane Baths. After the waltz was presented to the audience visiting the Baths, they enthusiastically received the composition, and since then, the brass band located in the Central Park’s kiosk, in front of the Casino, have always begun their recital with this piece. The beauty of the waltz can be experienced even today by watching the show of the dance group from Miskolc, Hungary Banat.