2) The Nera Gorges – Beușnița National Park is located in the south-western part of Mountainous Banat, covering the entire southern area of the Anina Mountains and part of the northern area of the Locva Mountains.
The park has an area of 36 758 ha and includes 7 nature reserves.
Nr.crt | Reservation | Locality | Type |
1 | Nera Gorges-Beuşniţa | Sasca Montană andŞopotul Nou | Mixed |
2 | Rudăria Gorges | Eftimie Murgu | Mixed |
3 | Şuşarei Gorges | Sasca Montană | Mixed |
4 | Ciclova –Ilidia Valley | Romanian Ciclova | Mixed |
5 | Dugin | Lăpuşnicu Mare | Forestry |
6 | Lisovacea | Bozovici | Mixed |
7 | Bigar Spring | Bozovici | Mixed |
The main attractions of the park are the karstic formations either at the surface forms (gorges, waterfalls) or the depth forms (caves).

“The Nera Gorges – Beușnița” Nature Reserve has as special tourist attractions the following: Nerei Gorges, The Devil’s Lake, Bei’s Eye Lake and Beusnita Falls.
The Nera Gorges, between ȘopotuNou and SascaMonatană, are the longest in Mountainous Banat (22 km). They are unique in the country what regards their beauty and magnificence,having a close connection between the rock, the vegetation and the water throughout their journey (quite difficult to cross). The most spectacular karstic shapes on the gorges are the three cascades in tuff limestone – the Beuşniţa Falls – and the two natural lakes: the Bei’s Eye and the Devil’s Lake.

The Bigar Reservation includes the Minis Gorges, with a length of 14 km, where – at the parallel of 45⁰ East – you can see: Bigar Cave, Bigar Spring and Bigar Waterfall. Also on these keys are the Lion’s Rock, the Bones Cave and the Adam Neamţu’s Caves. Şuşara Gorges and Ciclova Valley- Ilidia are of a particular charm.
In the new Reservation called “The RudăriaGorges” you can distinguish the “The water mills with buckets” from Rudaria(EftimieMurgu).